The admission portal for various undergraduate (UG) courses is now open at Nagar College for the 2023-24 session. Visit -

for more information.





Nagar College



Student Feedback about the College


All students of Nagar College can give their feedback about Nagar College through feedback form using the given link. The Nagar College will take the necessary action after analyzing the feedback.

Feedback Link:


Student feedback about teacher


All students of Nagar College can give their feedback about their departmental Teachers through feedback form using the given link. After analyzing the feedbacks through Teachers’ Council, the College will take the necessary measure.

Feedback Link:


Teacher’s satisfactory survey


All Teachers of Nagar College can give their feedback about facilities given by Nagar College authority through feedback form using the given link. After analyzing the feedback, the Principal will take the necessary action in this regard.

Feedback Link:



Stakeholder satisfactory survey


All stakeholders of Nagar College can give their feedback about facilities given by Nagar College authority through feedback form using the given link. After analyzing the feedback, the College will raised in the appropriate platform and take the necessary action after consideration.

Feedback Link:


Alumni satisfactory survey


All members of the Alumni Association of Nagar College can give their feedback about the facilities and progression of the Higher Education given by Nagar College authority through feedback form using the given link. After analyzing the feedback, the College authority will consider and take the necessary action with the recommendations of IQAC .

Feedback Link: